Career Development Institute for Psychiatry

Dedicated to Launching and Maintaining Careers in Mental Health Research

The Career Development Institute (CDI) for Psychiatry fosters the growth and success of the next generation of academic researchers. We bridge the critical gap between potential and achievement by offering a multi-faceted program that empowers individuals at the outset of their research careers. Through expert mentorship, personalized guidance, and skill-building workshops, the CDI equips participants with the knowledge and confidence to become leaders in their field and propel the future of psychiatric research forward.

The CDI for Psychiatry has been pivotal in strengthening my commitment to research

Adriana Di Martino, MD, Faculty

Connect with a supportive network of peers and mentors who will empower you to reach your full potential and launch a fulfilling career in psychiatric research.

The Career Institute for Psychiatry


Our immersive program impacts psychiatric researchers, practitioners, and patients by fostering career development, collaboration, and research quality, ultimately leading to improved mental health outcomes for patients.


Meet peers and established professionals in the psychiatric research field through our interactive workshops, online mentoring sessions, and webinars.


The young psychiatrists and Ph.D. researchers who journey through the Career Development Institute for Psychiatry build lasting, meaningful relationships.


Our diverse group of faculty and mentors take a personalized approach to working with each participant's unique aspirations and talents, so their journey reflects the future they want.


Through our career mentoring, participants reach new levels of personal and professional success and confidence.

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CDI News

Thanks to Our Mentors!

MakinG a difference for the future of psychiatry research

Meet some of the people who make CDI possible. Without their care and dedication, our program would not be what it is today.

 Dawn Ionescu, MD

Andrea Goldstein-Piekarski, PhD

Michael J. Ostacher, MD, MPH

Ayana Jordan, MD, PhD